Dampp-Chaser humidity control system
"Baldwin recommends the Dampp-Chaser system as a valuable way to ensure the longevity and stability of its pianos."
"The use of the Dampp-Chaser humidity control system effectively compensates for climate changes in the piano environment and is therefore beneficial in terms of stability and durability".
"Your Dampp-Chaser climate control system" is the best and most sophisticated system we have ever experienced.
"The best way to preserve the value of grand pianos and upright pianos is to regulate the relative humidity directly in the instrument ... with a system from the Dampp-Chaser Company."
"The installation of a Dampp-Chaser climate control system can, in our opinion, provide the degree of moisture control of a piano that can be reached in any other way."
"... proper installation and use of a Dampp-Chaser system can be beneficial for the stability of an instrument".
"Baldwin recommends the Dampp-Chaser system as a valuable way to ensure the longevity and stability of its pianos."
"The use of the Dampp-Chaser humidity control system effectively compensates for climate changes in the piano environment and is therefore beneficial in terms of stability and durability".
"Your Dampp-Chaser climate control system" is the best and most sophisticated system we have ever experienced.
"The best way to preserve the value of grand pianos and upright pianos is to regulate the relative humidity directly in the instrument ... with a system from the Dampp-Chaser Company."
"The installation of a Dampp-Chaser climate control system can, in our opinion, provide the degree of moisture control of a piano that can be reached in any other way."
"... proper installation and use of a Dampp-Chaser system can be beneficial for the stability of an instrument".